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Success Stories

Zauja Kaudah – Constructs Rental Units

After giving birth to four girls, Zauja found herself without a home. In her own words, her husband “kicked her out” because she had not borne any male children. Zauja moved back to her parents’ home and started making the local version of doughnuts (mandazi). Zauja now runs a retail shop. With support from WCFJC under the WiB programme, in less than six months, Zauja saved enough to complete the stalled construction of a two-unit rental building. The provision of stock for her retail business made it possible for her to save enough to both keep her business running and complete her construction project.

Zauja’s rental units

Zauja’s rental units

Regina Mulondo – Supports Her Family

In her own words Regina Mulondo says before the WCFJC intervention "I was a local woman without any daily income. My children were constantly chased away from school after the death of my husband. I had no projects in the home. My whole family of nine depended on a very small banana plantation of about 40 plants and a potato garden." Food was grown strictly for home consumption. The family lived in a two bedroom house and the children fell sick frequently. No one knew Regina beyond her village community. WCFJC was the first NGO she had ever worked with.

Regina participated in a number of WCFJC projects including Phase I of the WCFJC Farming for Business Programme, launched in March 2012. Regina received an in-kind loan comprised of 150 banana suckers as well as water melon seeds. The total value of the in-kind loan was US$ 250.

Within eight months of planting the banana suckers, she began harvesting bunches of bananas from her banana plantation.

Since 2013, Regina saves US$150 a month from her banana sale earnings. Regina is comfortably able to feed her family and meet their basic needs. Regina was the only WCFJC beneficiary who paid off her in- kind agricultural loan in full and on time.

In 2015, Regina's life is dramatically different from her life before WCFJC. Regina:

  • Is the proud owner of a 400 plant banana plantation. This is up from the 150 suckers she received from WCFJC.
  • Currently rears 700 layers, up from the 2006 WCFJC group poultry project of 200 birds that she participated in.
  • Constructed a 1,000 bird poultry house.
  • Uses her home as a learning center where members of the community come to learn about poultry rearing, zero grazing and farming on a large scale.
  • Received a 10,000 liter rain water harvesting tank to supply rain water for her projects from WCFJC.
  • Has put all her children through school, including three university graduates.
